dessicant masterbatche are use as moisture absorbing additive, A dessicant Masterbatch is highly popular for moisture absorbing additive. It eliminate moisture, humidity and inhance extrusion and injection moulding process.

A moisture can be present in raw material like polymer, pigment, filler it can able to remove the moisture from approx all type of polymer product.

This masterbatch helps to remove moisture from virgin polymer as well as recycled polymer like LD, PP, HDPE etc,

It helps to avoid the product defect during processing like grooves, pin holes, fisheyes.

Dessicant masterbatch is cost effective, economic, ecofriendly, non-toxic & safe.

.Prevents or reduces moisture. Improves quality. Cost-effective and economical. Environmentally safe and non-toxic.

Contact us for Dessicant Masterbatch samples.