Static electricity may seem relatively harmless, but it is very bad news for many plastic products. Static electricity can cause plastic sheets to stick together. The charge can also attract large amounts of dryness and dust. And in worst-case scenarios, the static electricity may be so powerful, that it can generate a spark that may ignite a flame.

One of the characteristics that promotes the accumulation of static electricity is low conductivity. Plastics and textiles have low conductivity, which automatically makes them susceptible to static electricity. Therefore, electric charge is a problem that plastic product manufacturers are forced to deal with. This is where the antistatic masterbatch comes in.

Generally speaking, an antistatic is a formula or solution that prevents static electricity from appearing, accumulating or rebuilding over time. In order to fulfill their purpose or become user-friendly, many plastic products must include antistatic properties. This is achieved by mixing antistatic additives into the raw polymer, during the production process, to create an antistatic polymer. The antistatic masterbatch can also be implemented on the product’s external surface, as a surface coating.

Antistatic masterbatch prevent the accumulation of dust and static electricity on plastic car interiors and exteriors.

The last thing food manufacturers want is for their shelf-stable products to become charged with static electricity. Antistatic masterbatch prevent dust and electric charge, while adhering to food industry standards and regulations.

The raw materials used by this industry are static electricity prone. Antistatic masterbatch can be incorporated into FIBC bags, shade nets, greenhouse twines and more.